Anyone who runs a house, deals with the problems of everyday life, knows perfectly how often there is not enough money for something that is outside the category of necessary!
Any housewife wants to save a little money, especially if the family budget is already small.
Let's try to reduce our electricity bills a bit and see what the result is.
It seems that this is a bit, but in fact, with a reasonable approach to saving electricity in an apartment, knowing a few tricks, you can free up significant funds.
Don't forget to turn off the appliances
For example, a television. Older model models with a picture tube consume approximately 100 watts of power during operation, in the off state - 2 watts. The latest plasma and LCD televisions require more: 400 watts for operation and 4 watts for standby. They switch to standby mode by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control. Don't be too lazy to click on it in time!
DVD Player. It can be turned off completely if it is new generation. When off, the player will save all your settings, including the date and time, and restore them the next time you connect to the network. But there are devices that it is recommended to leave in standby mode overnight. This is important for the software updates you receive.
Computer. It can be left on if you work closely at home during the day. If you left the workplace, it is better to turn off the monitor as well. Auxiliary equipment, such as scanners, printers, should always be turned off after finishing working with them.
Charger. When recharging a phone or other device, the charger will not consume much electricity. But it should be removed from the network when the recharge is finished, since it continues to consume electricity, and it will not run so little throughout a day.
Some more tips to save electricity
It is very cost effective to replace the Ilyich bulbs throughout the house with new energy saving bulbs, they consume much less energy. And you should definitely turn off the light in an empty room, even if you left it for 10 minutes. For some reason, many people believe that frequently clicking the switch negatively affects the life of the bulb, as it causes a surge of tension. These speculations have no real basis. You should always turn off the light behind you if you are saving money.
Washing machine. Wash clothes at a lower temperature, colored at 30-40 degrees instead of 60, white at 60 instead of 90. In most cases, you will not notice a difference in the quality of the wash and the energy savings will be evident. For better washing, today they do not use high-temperature water, but high-quality powders. Also, try to enter drying mode as little as possible.
Try to follow all these simple recipes for at least a month, make family members aware of the need to save electricity. And at the end of the month, look at the counter and make an analogy with past expenses. Are you convinced? Then let it become a habit to save electricity in your apartment.