Each one of us wants his house was cozy, comfortable, unique, forever, wherever that was not far from the home of the members of the family, he knew waiting for him at home, always listen and understand will help in the difficult moments. To do this, in the family should be the tradition that children should learn and lead in their future homes. About the tradition of the economy, on the emergence of the skills of energy savings in children, we're going to talk about in this article.

The psychologists assert, as a child, subsequently, it will refer to itself, others and life in general – is entirely dependent on their parents. Life may present you infinite vacation or an exciting trip, and can be seen as a boring, thankless, and hard work, during the visit to the school. The child perceives the world through the eyes of the adults of their parents.
There are external factors that influence family traditions. The current level of life and progress dictate its rules, and that there's nothing special that the three – to-four years, the baby easily wins the secret of the computer, with the inclusion and disconnection of the lighting in the rooms. With the inclusion of the television and the viewing of children's programmes. It also opens and closes the water faucets, knows where hot water, where cold water. Gently tap the radiators of the heating and you know that the heating works when it's cold, and it doesn't work, when the heat in the street.
After 5 – 7 years of age, he is already interested questions: where does the gas and how it enters in the apartment?; why should you fill the car with fuel and where is your origin?; why turn off the electricity (at the time of the review of the children's programs) and the water (when the child is washed in the bathroom) and who depends on?; why do you have to get out of the city and breathe the fresh air, and not to play in the yard with their friends?
All of these problems, in one way or another, are related to the saving of energy, environment, are relevant in our time and concern to adults. Can the interested in the energy savings of the young children of 5 to 10 years of age? If you can be recognized to contribute in their solution?
We will respond immediately– can, if you are interested adult members of the family. There are a number of childhood training programs in the field of energy saving and environment in belarus, russia, ukraine for preschoolers and school of higher education. The truth, I must say that these programs are not-compulsory education and training is carried out on a voluntary basis. But it is not far the day when we take governmental regulations and the saving of energy, saving energy for the children are as clear as the rules of conduct, the history of his native province, geography and other
For children quickly assimilated these concepts in the kindergarten, in the early grades of school, you should help to do this in the family. After 5 years, the child begins to explore the world in the form of a game. You like to play games and, above all, if with him to play your loved ones: mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother and grandfather.
I was the witness of the good pedagogical approach to the conservation of water consumption in the young family. Mother teaches her 4 years of child brushing teeth in the morning and at night. When the question on the family council was on the saving of water, in order to reduce payment for your consumer, mom organized the game with the son, who is the one that will save the water during the cleaning of the teeth. Showed the son of the water meter, and ensured that the drum of the counter of the tour, when you open the faucet. He explained how to save water during the cleaning of the teeth (I hope, you already know how), and offered a reward for the more you save.
The game son liked it so much that when you reach your 3 years old cousin brother (we have by chance your conversation), at a time when they were together in the bathroom, and washed, alternatively, the teeth, the greater of the aleccionaba less open the tap only to rinse the toothbrush and the font of water for the rinse of the mouth of the jug. I had just the conversation of the children of the phrase, – morning with my mom to see the water meter and will receive the prize!
Another example. The dad of his son of five years proposed to the game and good works. On the list of good things that I could do baby, I got a lot of: help my mom, fix the toys and behind the younger sister, to bring and present to the pope of the tool when it is executed the last of any repair, etc, at the end Of each day, in family council to record all the good deeds performed by the son and the stamping points. The pope invited the son on the list of good works to activate the energy-saving, showed the marker of the metro electric, with figures and explained that there is to do to that the amount was less.
At this age, children learn about numbers and can distinguish between a greater number of less. For the realization of a good cause, we offered a special prize. After a week of 5 years of age, the baby clearly learned, if there is no one in the room of the children, the light must be disconnected, if bath salts, the light should turn off, if no one watches tv, he needs to shut down. What he himself did, or remembered to adults. The issue has come to the point that sometimes the parents, to the detriment of themselves refused to watch tv programs, conscious of the importance of the training, that you get from your children.
These examples show that the problems of the family reduction of payment of invoices of public services by the consumption of energy can be resolved with the help of the children, in this case, the child will learn skills right, with respect to the energy, for which the family pays the money. This is the saving of energy in childhood. And also, very important, these concepts and skills,they become standards of conduct for energy saving in the home, their children learn from those closest to you, after you pass and interact with them more time.
In conclusion, take some tips that you can use to save energy, along with the children.
Simple rules for the proper owner (good works):
- Close the faucet while you brush your teeth or use a glass of mouthwash.
- Wash the dishes under the current stream of water, and in the sink, closing the orifice of the lid.
- Most importantly — do not forget to turn off the water!
Compliance with these simple rules, will allow year to save the whole lake with a diameter of 200 meters and a depth of 2 meters. In addition, it saves the chemicals that are used for the purification of water and the energy used for heating and pumping.
What can be done, so that the lamp is not in vain the stars?
The average energy consumption in the lighting of the apartments is around 1 kw. h a day(when you are using the incandescent lamp). But this consumption can be reduced, if you replace the incandescent lamp, fluorescent. 60 w incandescent lamp complies with 18 w fluorescent lamp at the same illumination level. The term of operation of the fluorescent lamps in 6 – 8 is higher than that of incandescent lamps.
Clean the bulb: good puree of the light bulb that shines in a 10 — 15% brighter of the dirt, dust.
How to help the fridge?
The ideal place for the refrigerator in the kitchen is the most in a cool place. When the outside temperature is 20 degrees refrigerator consumes 6% less energy. Do not place the refrigerator close to the battery or other devices of heating. It is very negatively in the work of the refrigerator affects a great "fur coat" in the freezer. Therefore, do not be lazy, once more to thaw out on the counter. This will be cost-effective.
As with moderation hob?
In one of the kitchen utensils you can save hundreds of kilowatt hours of energy. Only to the pot a little bit cut off burner electric stoves and flat to her. Pots with base convex or concave bottom, as well as of the pot with a dirty bottom and the layer of sediment at the waste of 50% of the electricity, and at the same time about the same time.
Count the number of times per day to boil the water in an electric kettle? How many hot water using?
Surely, a cup of 2 – 3, and the rest of the water cools himself in the tea. And, if this drinking water and pour it in a thermos? Then you will not have to waste time in boil each time you want to drink a little tea, and save energy.
As you Pat your clothes?
To save energy, you can even glazhenii. To do this, it is necessary to remember that it is too dry and too wet clothes fall to caress more time and, therefore, more energy consumption. And another "little thing": the iron may be turned off for a few minutes until the end of the work; in this time is more than enough residual heat.
Now the cold period of the year. We walk by the apartment hot. But sometimes, in the winter, we complain about the cold in our apartments and immerse ourselves in a sea of it is the organization of heat energy. All if we ourselves are facts to keep in our homes valuable heat?
How can we keep heat in our homes?
- The autumn it is necessary to isolate the house from the windows, balconies and doors.
- Do not forget to close the door at the entrance.
- Do not keep the leaves constantly open.
- On the closing night of the curtains, which would keep advanced of heat.
- In the apartment properly arrange the furniture: leave battery on a couch and a table, so that the heat freely took place in his apartment.
Through these simple activities, you can reduce the heating costs of the apartment of approximately 5% to 10%.
You can be sure that the energy saving for children is the investment of parents in the future of their generation.