The energy saving is the rational use of energy. Of course, the technical renovation of industrial facilities and heating, the introduction of new technologies, recycling thermal energy, the use of renewable sources of energy require large expenses. But the long-standing practice of the european countries ensures that review, in our daily life, their habits and behavior, you can significantly reduce the energy demand. And this does not mean the deterioration of the life of a standard or to give up the comfort.

Of all the domestic consumption of energy the largest part of the — 79%, for the heating of premises, 15% of the energy consumed in the heat of the process water heating, cooking of food, etc), 5% of the electrical power of appliances, and 1% of the energy consumed in lighting, radio and television technique.
What is 1 kw/h of energy?
You will need 1 kw/h of energy to:
- 50 hours of listening to the radio
- 110 hours of shaving, electric
- to 17 hours of stop burning the lamp of a power of 60vt
- 12 hours of watching tv
- 2 hours of vacuuming
- take 5 minutes in the shower
- heat in 6 degrees of bath full of water (150l)
Accounting of energy
In the laws of the republic of belarus "On energy saving" provides for a compulsory accounting received from natural persons and legal entities of the energy resources. It is working on it and grows constantly. As in all new homes of the meters installed in the building, and in the old town of the home is going to do for ourselves.
This will allow you to grow:
- pay only the amount of resource which has received
- refusing to pay for Energoresurs of poor quality
- efficient to save on problems
The installation of energy meters expensive event, but your return on investment, in some cases, quite good.
Heating of the housing
The cost of the heating, the larger the article, the payment of the public services. In this situation, the implementation of the accounting systems allows you to control and manage the obtaining and the use of the thermal energy. And, most importantly, these systems give the economic instruments in the relationship with the supplier. Learn how to use, in the first place, the thermal energy, which in our country is the most important.
Energy saving
Save on electricity with a easiest part of all, in the majority of cases there is a box of instruments of accounting, and the activities are beginning immediate economic effect. On the other hand, is more difficult, because there are no activities that allow the time to get a great savings. Therefore, the energy-saving — thin, meticulous and constant work. Electricity in daily life represents 9-10% of all the energy required. And while the use of appliances, energy savings opportunities (in comparison with heating and hot water) are limited, but with the enjoyment of You accounts, it Is seen that this type of energy in terms of the roads. When purchasing appliances, keep in mind the power consumption, compare the different models and manufacturers. In a family of 4 people 1/5 of the energy goes into the care of the things, of the clothing. The use of the modern technique and the change of our habits, will allow us to grow save up to 40% of the electricity.
Do you know?
That through the faucet, from which the dripping water (10 drops per minute) goes up to 2000 litres of water per year. And if each one of the four members of His family, leaves open the water tap only 5 minutes a day, you lose 7 kwh of energy, throwing in the window of the huge amount? Take a shower — much cheaper than taking a bath. Take a bath (140-180 l) can Be traversed in three times more energy than it takes 5 minutes in the shower. Nebulizers in the faucets allow you to make better use of the water.

All equipment must be chosen in function of the needs. Probably, many would agree very much agree that purchasing professional, the office cleaner for a small apartment practical, as a powerful washing machine of 7 kg of clothes inside for a small family. And even, household appliances, it is now more energy-saving. There is the perception that it is more expensive. In reality it is not so, or, in any case, it is not much, so the savings in the operation will affect repeatedly.
Saving energy with the use of the lighting
The light in the house must be a lot, it has a beneficial effect on health, and in fact turns into heat and comfortable. However, a very bright light acts irritant, therefore, a more efficient use of local, discreet lighting. Now on sale really a lot of variety of lamps, floor lamps, sconces, and lamps. There is the possibility of choosing the taste, to the interior, and the portfolio. Use relevant type of lighting: In the place of work (no matter in writing or work table in the kitchen), proper use of fluorescent lamps of their "dp", with the soft light. If it is a desktop, in which You and especially your child spends a lot of time, it is recommended for this lamp has been equipped with ballasts of high frequency. In the hallway and in the kitchen, where the light sometimes lights up the day, it is advisable to use compact fluorescent lamps. They are more expensive than conventional bulbs, but if you are not used to turn a light off, will pay off quickly. More than the luminous flux of them large, which has successfully replaced the too powerful incandescent lamps.
The use of advanced lighting technology (energy-saving lamp lighting system) allows a saving of up to 60% of the electricity. The economic condition of the use of the lighting — planning to meet the needs of lighting and a lighting installation of the technology MucholANOVA chandelier in the ceiling provides the lighting of all the local, but resulting in unwanted of the education of the shade when the work behind a desk, sewing machine, in the corner of the toys. Focused on the lighting, despite the lower power of the lamps will improve lighting without the garbage of the shadow.
The more often you switch off the incandescent lamps, the more you will burn. Economic shut down of the normal incandescent lamp only if you don't need the light for 10 minutes. For the manufacture of the new light bulb requires more energy than you will save often positioned in a short time. It is important to understand the energy savings are not as renounce to the comfort, and on the contrary, the goal of energy savings (including the state) is to ensure the necessary conditions of life for the entire population.
Saving energy in everyday life
Practical tools for saving energy in daily life does not require large investments and received by the experience!
In connection with the constant increase in electricity prices more pressing becomes an opportunity to limit the cost of your payment. This can be done in many ways. Most fashionable methods of saving energy in everyday life, those that are related to the new technologies, on them is written a lot. There is, however, the possibility that they do not require great expenses and special skills, they will help you, if you are going to comply with the elementary rules of culture of power consumption.
We will examine such features in detail:
Saving energy with the lighting of the common areas
Normally when considering this question, to allow the installation of motion sensors and energy saving lamps on the stairs and in basements. In this case, the price of the issue, along with the cost of installation can reach great heights.
The easiest way is in what you are putting solid-state diode (300 V, 3 A) in the jump wire, that includes the lighting in the entrance or in the basement. All the work is located a 5-minute drive. The size of the diode is such (for example, 1N5404), which is placed in the body of the switch. The diode passes only a half wave of the network voltage. With a decrease in the voltage of the lamp falls on the consumption of them, and of the power and increases the service life. The author was a witness of the incandescent lamp, after the correction, in the term of 7 years.

Saving energy in the kitchen
If you're using an electric kettle, it is not necessary to before you boil fill to the brim. Pour the necessary time for you now. The family of all modes would expose heats up again. And again, you will receive an additional consumption of energy. The power of the boiler in general is 1.5-2 kw. It is important to contribution to the monthly energy consumption.
If you use the electric hob, then you should know that when you select the dishes, which does not match the dimensions of the plate, to lose the 5-10% of the energy, the dishes with the curve of the background to "steal" 40 to 60 percent. Thus, the bottom of the pot should be smooth and with a size corresponding to the diameter of the cooking zone. Remember that the rapid evaporation of the water to the boil increases the cooking time of food by 30%. After the boiling of a liquid is necessary to reduce the power, served in the burner.
Energy savings in the wash
Read the instructions on the handling of their appliances. Not all cars that choose the optimal amount of water with the incomplete download. The greater amount of water and the higher the wash temperature, the more energy it will consume the machine. The incomplete download of the machine pererastaet up to 15% of the energy, when it comes to the application of incorrect washing of up to 30 per cent.
Energy saving lighting in the apartment
Normally in apartments with long hallways and in the kitchen turns on the light. In such areas, in the first place, replace the energy saving light bulbs. These lamps have a warranty of at least a year. During this time, they are fully paid, and even give you a savings in the budget. The lamp of a power of 14 w, which corresponds approximately to a 60-watt incandescent bulb. Just choose the lamp of the known signature.
Significantly reduce the consumption of energy will make the use of light wall paper and the ceilings, transparent, and clear of the curtains, a moderate amount of furniture and colors in the room. Never neglect the natural lighting.
Saving energy when using refrigerators
If you purchase new appliances, then choose your category. These devices, still in the design stage, developing as well as savings of energy. If to speak about the refrigerators, is worth the install in the shaded and cool apartment. If you have a compressor fridge, and you do not use one of the cold chambers, turn off the compressor. Normally auto of the fridge allows it.
Energy-saving ironing
Try not to overdry the clothes, because your ironing needs more iron, and more time to get the desired result. Another "trick" that allows to reduce costs, is the use of aluminium foil is placed under the fabric that covers the ironing board. Foil is not given of the thermal energy that is dissipated and you have to concentrated in softening of the fabric.
Energy-saving in the cleaning of the apartment
When you use the vacuum cleaner often pull trash out of a container for collection, clean or change the filters of entrance and exit of air. Additional aerodynamic resistance leads to overheating of the motor of the vacuum cleaner, and a significant increase in the consumption of electrical energy. For example, when filling a container for the collection of powder in a 30% the energy consumption grows at a 40% to 50%.

Saving energy when it is disconnected from the guard of the consumer electronics
Few people think that the stand-by mode of appliances is a hole in the pocket, through which to channel Their money. For example, the tv with the diagonal 54 cm "eats" in the mode of standby, 9 kw, musical center of 8 kw, the video player 4 kw, etc, Count their appliances, why wait? Why is it so hard to click the on/off button? There is another aspect, which are constantly connected to the electricity grid and to the of your accident, you may lose everything. Such cases were.
Saving energy by unplugging chargers for cell phones
Of course, the loss of what these devices are turned on at the power outlet, are not as large as other appliances. However, "the chargers" are the pulse of the power supplies, these devices "do not want" to work without a load. When you're not connected to a portable player, etc, these appliances are heated, damaged, and can cause a fire!
The computer, internet, etc
If you are not using the computer, for example, have gone to work or to study, it is prudent to turn off the costly technique. This is a continuation of the hardware resource and reduce the energy consumption of the housing. In addition to, certainly, no one can steal your data and advances in his absence, as the computer will be turned off.
Use these tips, you save your money, strength and the nerves. Probably, you will be able to offer the ways of saving energy in everyday life. Train your brain and share the results with others. It is the greatest happiness in life is the happiness of the human communication!